Cyber security

At Andorsoft, S.A., we are aware of the importance of cyber security in today's business world. We know that protecting data and information is critical to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your company's technology resources. That's why we have a team of experts and offer advice to protect your business from cyber threats.

  • Cyber security strategies
  • Highly qualified
  • Solutions de cyberseguretat
  • Training and advice
Modular security capabilities


Our cyber security service contract includes:

Basic tools for optimal protection:

Type of Contract : Monthly *Minimum stay 36 months.

*Outil optionnel : Study in accordance with the new Law 29/2021 qualified for the protection of personal data.


Cyber security strategies

Our empathetic and professional approach allows us to connect with our customers and understand their security concerns. At Andorsoft, S.A., we work closely with you to identify your specific needs and develop cyber security strategies adapted to your business reality.

The first line of defense in cyber security is the end users. Providing cybersecurity training and awareness to users can help prevent threats such as phishing, social engineering, etc.

Make sure that all users use strong passwords and that they are changed regularly. Using password managers can be helpful.

Use firewalls and intrusion detection systems to protect your network. VPN use is also recommended for employees who work remotely.

Keep your operating system and all programs up to date. Updates often contain fixes for known security vulnerabilities.

Make sure all devices are protected with up-to-date antimalware tools.

Make regular backups of your important data. These backups must be available in the event of a disaster, such as a ransomware attack.

Limit access to your network resources. People should have only the access they need for their tasks.

Use vulnerability management tools to identify and mitigate existing vulnerabilities within your IT infrastructure.

Have a plan in place for how to respond in the event of a security breach. This includes post-incident identification, response, recovery and review.

Physical security of servers and other hardware assets is just as important as digital security. Implement appropriate security measures to protect these assets.

**Specific cybersecurity needs may vary depending on the type of organization, industry, company size, etc.

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