Main IT Security Risks Today: How to Protect Yourself

In an increasingly interconnected world, computer security has become an essential priority for both individuals and businesses. With the increasing complexity and frequency of cyber-attacks, it is vital to be aware of the main risks and know the best ways to prevent them. From Andorsoft, we want to share with you the five main threats in IT security *currently…

The five main threats in IT security:

– Phishing: Phishing involves sending e-mails that appear legitimate but are intended to trick the user into sharing confidential information, such as passwords or bank details. It is like fishing, where the author hopes to capture the prey.

– Malicious Software (Malware): Malware is a generic term that includes viruses, trojans and ransomware. It is maliciously installed on the victim's device with the intention of causing damage or stealing information. You can imagine it as an unwanted intruder on your computer.

– Ransomware: A specialized variant of malware that encrypts user data, blocking access until a ransom is paid. It is similar to someone locking you out of your home and demanding money to let you in.

– DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service):
Such an attack overloads a system with so many requests that it collapses, leaving legitimate services inaccessible to users. We could compare it to a crowd blocking the entrance to a shop.

– Social engineering: Consists of manipulating people to perform actions or reveal confidential information. More than a technological attack, it's like a mind game that exploits trust.

Remember that cyber security is not only about technology, but also about education and awareness. Working together, we can create a safer digital environment for everyone.

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